Children's dentistry

Albert E. Klitzke DDS accepts children at all ages.   Call us to schedule your child's  dental visit at (619) 596-0144.

Here are some frequently asked questions about children's teeth:

1. At what age should my child first visit the dentist?    A child's first dental visit should be by the child's first birthday.  At this age problems can be discovered and steps to prevent dental decay can be started before costly treatment is needed. You can remember this by remembering that if you see a tooth  it is time to see your dentist.   We can do easy introductory visits and get them comfortable seeing the dentist before we do fillings.

2. What will happen at during my child's first dental visit?    Dr. Klitzke will check your child's teeth for decay and  the gums for health.  I look for the position of the child's teeth and their bite.  We may "paint " fluoride on the teeth and depending their age, clean their teeth and take x-rays.  We tell you how to prevent cavities saving you money.  It is easy to prevent cavities and difficult to treat them on young children.

3. What should I tell my child about their upcoming visit to the dentist?  We typically try to avoid doing fillings on a child's first visit.  Tell them the dentist is a friendly doctor who will help them take care of their teeth.  He will look in your mouth, count your teeth and may even show them their teeth on the TV in his office.   Kids that are cooperative will get to pick a prize from our treasure chest.

4. What should I not tell my child before his visit?   Do not tell them about any negative experience you may have had.  Do not use the visits  as punishment or a threat.  Avoid telling them they will get a "shot" or he will use a " Drill" or words like "hurt" or " pull"   Odds are that we will not do any of those things at their first visit if they are not in pain when you bring them in.   If we must do a dental procedure let our successful training introduce the proceedure to your child.  We know the words to use and how to make them as comfortable as possible.

5. How can I prevent tooth decay from nursing or bottle feeding?     The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends stopping at-will breast feeding after the first baby tooth appears.  They should graduate from the bottle to a Tippy Cup at 12 -14 months of age.   Do not let your baby sleep with a bottle containing anything other than water while in the crib sleeping.  Do not let them drink soda or juice from a bottle, use a cup and only at meal times.

6.  Should I worry about thumb and finger sucking?     Thumb sucking is normal for infants and many will stop by age 2.  Make sure you keep their hands and toys clean.   When this habit continues after that, crooked teeth and bite problems become more likely.   After age three you need to get professional advice from your dentist or children's doctor.

7.  If my baby cries during teething, what should I do?   Are they hungry? Did they hurt themselves?  Are they sick or running a fever? It is not always easy to tell why a child is crying.    Teething pain  can occur anytime from 6 months to age 3 as teeth erupt.   A clean teething ring, cool spoon, or cold clean wet washcloth, a chilled teething ring, or rubbing the baby's gums with a clean finger are things to try.  Sometimes all you can do is  hold you child  comforting them and wait it out.

8. How do I prevent my child from getting cavities?      Bacteria , sugars and carbohydrates cause cavities.  Early dental visits are the best  thing you can do for your child .  Do not kiss your baby on the their lips as you transfer the bacteria that cause cavites to them.  Let us show you how to keep dental visits positive and prevent dental problems.

9. "Are baby teeth really important, they are going to come out any way?"

            Baby teeth are very important.   They are need to help your child learn how to talk correctly and eat comfortably.  They hold the space for the permanent teeth to come in to and help avoid major orthodontic problems.  If a dentist gives you an option of trying to save a baby's tooth or extracting it, it usual better to keep the tooth with only a few exceptions.

10. What should I do if my child's baby tooth is knocked out?    Contact your dentist as soon as possible.  Do not try to replace a baby tooth.

11. My child's permanent tooth was knocked out.       Find the tooth and rinse gently in cool water. ( Do not scrub the tooth or clean it with soap, only water)  If possible replace the tooth into the socket immediately and hold it there with a clean guaze  or a wash cloth.  If you can not put the tooth back into the mouth, place it in a clean container with cold milk, saliva or  water.  Get to your dentist immediately. Call the emergency number if is after hours.   The faster you act the better your chances of saving the tooth.

12.  Dental Sealants are a great way to protect your child's teeth from getting cavities.  They do not involve a shot and are an easy dental visit for a child.     We always recommend sealing kids molars when they erupt into the mouth at about age 6 and again at age 12.

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Santee Dentistry and Implants
Sinan Alhamdi DMD
Haider Faris DDS

Santee Dentist, Dr. Albert Klitzke is a professional dedicated to Excellence in General, Family, & Cosmetic Dentistry such as Cleanings & Prevention, Restorations, Periodontal Disease & many other dental procedures. Please come and visit Santee, CA Dentist, Albert Klitzke, DDS.

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Albert Klitzke, DDS 8790 Cuyamaca Street, Suite E Santee, CA 92071 (619) 596-0144